Friday, May 16, 2008


So today it got hot in Seattle. I haven't paid attention to any weather information, and my guesser's busted (when I came here in January, I hardly felt the difference in temperature between Tucson and Seattle), so I couldn't tell you how hot it got to be... all I know is, for the first time since 29 July 2007, I'm experiencing humidity.

I remember in July, flying into Nashville after having taken five days to drive to Tucson, getting off the plane and understanding very well the meaning of the word "muggy." I'd been out of my natural habitat only five days and already the humidity spoke a foreign language to me. And today is that day all over again (er, under better circumstances, though).

I don't mind it, though. I actually miss it sometimes. I grew up in a house with no air conditioning, so there was no escaping it. That house trapped the moisture and it was normally cooler outside than in during the summer days. After moving out of that house, it was always too convenient to turn on the air and chase the mugginess out. In that house it was inescapable, and because of that it didn't seem to bad. I even appreciated the mildew smell in the house. (I probably would have been okay without the actual mildew on everything, though.)

Now as humid as Middle Tennessee was, Hawaii was worse. And the day that Jeremy and I hiked the forest around Manoa Falls, that was the most intense of it I've experienced. So it would make sense, of course, that as soon as it gets hot and heavy in the Northwest, I'm going to go hiking and camping in the Hoh rainforest.

And, as usual for a camping trip of mine, I am wildly unprepared... I'm basically going with a couple changes of clothes (I recalling coming out of Manoa rather muddy), peanut butter, honey, and a bag of trail mix. And books, of course. And beer. Of course.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

So when did you move to Seattle?