Thursday, October 16, 2008

Adventure, excitement, and... not so much.

So now that there is internet here,* I've come around to using it a little. Luckily, so far this has come to checking my MySpace and Facebook once every couple of days, and that's about it. Oh, and the occasional glance at A Softer World, and the weekly nods to Post Secret and Something Awful's Photoshop Phriday.

But taking a sick-day today (which is lame, but I'll get to that in a minute), I've poked the 'net a bit more than usual, and I noticed that I haven't really been filling this blog with the adventure tales it was created to hold.
And the real, sad thing is... I haven't had any. I've been boring and lazy. What a disappointment, to me, and to you.**

But I realized that, without internet, I've filled my blogging void with actual conversations with actual people. So I've got things that have been on my mind without being online-d.***

Everything in my life changed, fairly recently. When I came back from TN,**** Jenn & Josh picked me up from the airport in a pickup; we drove straight to the old apartment, loaded up, and moved into the new one. Now all the places I used to walk to (I try to only drive to work) are not so convenient to walk to. I wouldn't have thought that would make a difference, but it does--I wasn't in a routine, but it was still felt like trips to the library, South Lake Union, and such were a part of who I was as a person. Now I visit different libraries (there are an amazing number of them here), and never go to Lake Union at all.

I actually don't go anywhere at all. That's why this sick-day is lame: it's my day off! I'm not avoiding work, I'm avoiding going into the city.
Jenn had a visitor here recently, a friend-of-a-friend stopping by for a little couchsurfing on her way to Canada. She and I talked briefly, and she mentioned thinking it odd that she wasn't drinking much (being on vacation and all). It made sense to me: there's things to do, things to see. It was that moment (combined with a moment in TN) that made me realize, I drink when I'm bored. I don't "have to drink to have a good time," but that's why I do it nonetheless. That's why I drank and smoked in Tucson--I was very, very bored, especially once Scott moved away. It was something to do--more importantly, something to do which passed the time.

I'm working on becoming active again. This is why I hardly use the internet, even with it now readily available, and why I don't watch TV, even with cable (which Josh couldn't live without). It is my intention to read more, to see some good movies (Ari just texted me out of the blue yesterday, telling me to rent The Fall), and also to get out and do some things.

Any suggestions?
(Even if you're not in Seattle, ask somebody, or google around, and leave a comment! Let me know what you find! I'll go on adventures, and report back here!)

* Btw, I need a name for this place. In TN we had "J140"--our apartment number, which worked just fine. But here... "3"? That doesn't work. In Tucson, we had "BLC" (standing for "Bitch Loved Cake"), AKA, "The Cake House." I don't know what the previous residents of this apartment enjoyed, so that's no help either.

** By "you," I mean Scott, since I suspect only he reads it. Hi buddy.

*** And I don't mean Heroes. I have another blog for that.

**** That's the subject to a much longer post, about who I am, why I do what I do, and how I feel about it. And yes, I still have to complete my post about money, which should have preceded my last post (and therefore said post would have made more sense).
And now that I've got my brain ticking on the subject of motivation, I should blog about the movie Hotel Rwanda, and fighting. I'd start all of this now, except I don't want to sit around online any more!

1 comment:

oomny said...

and did you rent The Fall? b/c it is amazing.