Anyway, the past two weeks have been really interesting. Chris came to visit, and we did a pretty good job of exploring. The night he came in, we went out for Mexican, and then visited a couple of bars (I'm not much on drinking these days, but a visiting friend was something to celebrate). I expected to spen most of the next day at the Market, but it was practically abandoned and therefore took only half an hour. So we saw the waterfront, and the library, and the Seattle Center (including the Space Needle).

Day two was a lazy day; we didn't head into town until afternoon, and then we took the Underground Tour and visited Elliott Bay Book Company, and then we met up with Jenny & Elijah for a fire on the beach (it's still not very rainy here, so may as well take advantage...). As usual, we were kicked off the beach around 2, but by then we were out of wood & beer. I worked Friday, and we wound up watching Tropic Thunder with Josh, Jenn and Dustin afterwards.
Saturday was the most fun, I think. We spent that day driving around Snoqualmie, Fall City and a little bit of North Bend looking for locations from "Twin Peaks." Snoqualmie Falls (where they shot the externals for The Great Northern) was gorgeous:

We also found The Roadhouse (which is now a restaurant called The Roadhouse):

I totally failed to take pictures of the train in which Laura Palmer was killed, nor of the great big log. But I did get a picture of the sheriff's station, which was probably the trickiest and most exciting find (unfortunately, the sun was long set once we'd found it)... I'll have to go back in the light sometime to get better pictures, as you can see the whole lobby area, as well as the wood-paneled conference room. But you can at least see the lobby and the sillouhette of the sundial in this picture:

After all that fun, we headed back to Seattle, where Jenny met us with free tickets to the Thunderbirds game. I don't know a whole lot about hockey, but I do know a good fight when I see one:

Also, a bunch of kids:

I could go on about the past week (it's amazing to think that it's been a week since all that Twin Peaks business), however Jenn's laptop died so I'm back to library computers, and I've got thirteen minutes left to go. I'm going to write more, though... lots to say, actually. Nobody's commented directly to my last post, but I got lots of comments on the facebook note that directs TO the blog, so if you're friendly with me on facebook, feel free to join the discussions. And maybe next time I get online I'll be able to join as well...
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