I hate times like this, and yet it seems my life is willed with nothing but: I have a lot on my mind, and things half-written in my head (to the point that, by typing them up, they would complete themselves), and yet I have less time than I'd require to do something.
Thing is, it's been lovely here, the weather. And good weather stikes my mood up a notch or ten. I've been sick lately, and yesterday was the first day I've really felt better, and so yesterday and today I've been up & about, early.
Today's goal was to get a Washington State driver's license. My current, TN card's photo looks nothing like me now (the traveling years have done me good... the picture was taken two years ago, and in it I look years older than I do now), so as an ID it's hardly useful. And of course, there's the fact that I've been living in Seattle for nearly a year.
I checked the website, and it said I needed proof of identification, proof of residence, and my SSN. I arrived with my TNDL, a letter from the US Treasury (explaining that, rather than sending me my tax refund, they are applying it to my debt), and my SS card. Turns out, that's not enough.
Proof of ID requires a DL and something else... for example, a high school yearbook. I think that's hilarious. What's really cool is, even though I live thousands of miles from my hometown, I do live with someone I went to high school with, and she does have a yearbook. What's unfortunate is, it's from the year after I graduated. Hurm.
So I dunno what I'll do, but this'll happen.
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Completely new subject: Twitter. How the hell did it become such a big deal? I considered dropping it when Oprah joined it, mostly because someone I follow twitted about it, and I thought it absurd. But I like Twitter for what I use it for--little haiku-like blogs. I enjoy having to search for just the right words to fit a whole day or story into 140 characters. Oprah can do what she wants; that's not my Twitter.
I do feel a little stalkerish, though, following Neil Gaiman's son. But I do. Because he mentioned his mum. Neil never mentions her on his blog. I can understand why--she probably doesn't want strangers having an insight to her life via some else's words. However, it makes me a little sad. And I'm not sure why. So when I saw Micahel Gaiman make a small reference to her, I twitter-followed him. Maybe that's a little more than stalkerish, though.
There's another account I follow that I really love. Last week I overheard someone on the bus ask someone else if they had rubber tubing. This account, @overheardist, searches for twits using the word "overheard," and broadcasts them. They posted my rubber tubing story, and that's how I came across them. Today's gem: RT @baratunde: "Overheard at dinner: imagine if in your job you couldn't get anything done and what you did get done was f**king stupid."
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Anyway, now I'm getting ready for work.
Have a good day!
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