My motivation is not to make a commune (nor is it to avoid this). Simply, I love the land I grew up on, and would hate to see it broken up and sold as lots. Simply, I have come to realize that the life I (and 99% of others) live is a game, and I was never asked if I want to play. Simply, I disagree with the ideas at the heart of modern civilization (mankind should rule the earth; civilization should not be abandoned at any cost, even extinction).
I have met people I love more than most flesh-and-blood family, and these are the people I feel accepted by and acceptable around, and these are the people I would love to spend the rest of my life living, working, and communicating with. I believe our similarities are what set us apart as a tribe, if not a nation, of people, and that our differences are what set us apart from any zombie cult or the mainstream. I believe there is no one right way to live, but that this does not mean we every one must live in a different way. I believe that the clearest way to affect change is to "be the change that you want to see in the world," and I have seen the world I want to live in, and I intend to represent that change. I believe that a revolution is necessary, but I do not believe this requires the overthrowing of ANYTHING except our own gravitation toward weakness and submission on personal levels. I believe by simply stepping out of line we have begun and completed the conversion to "revolution," and that having done so we may inspire others to step out of line also (preferably if they believe it is the right thing to do); we are also free to step back into the line (preferably if we believe it is the right thing to do). I believe that nobody knows the course of life, and that life is an experiment. I believe that we are responsible for our own survival, and that survival requires community, and that survival requires abandoning anything if it is in favor of something that works better. And I believe that in order to find something that works better, some people need to go looking for it.
And I don't want to sit around and wait for someone to find it for me. I'm unhappy now, and I don't need to keep jumping on this bed of nails when there is clear ground all around.
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