Looking at the time, I see that it is precisely two weeks since I got off the train in Tucson. This is hard to believe.
I came to town, spent the night at Age & Valerie's house. I got up the next morning, went to the laundromat, had lunch, went to the library (that's where the DQ blog was posted from), then Leslie and Charles drove me to Casa Grande. You've seen the blog from that weekend, too.
Then Kate & Matt drove me back to Tucson, and I have been here since then. Since ten. Days. Ago.
I have loved this past week and a half. Charles, Leslie and I have done some cool things. They hooked me up with the Rosetta Stone, so I'm learning French: "La fille et la femme mangent du riz." We have consumed much wine. We have sat in the hot tub, and the pool (because it's the freking desert, not Vermont where it's -32 degrees). We are learning about mehndi; its history, production, and application. We have talked about farming, and incorporating some communal living situation.
Their apartment is so chill, at the foothills of the Catalina mountains.
Other things: had brunch with Age, Valerie & Pam (who I'd not seen since she visited Seattle in 2008). There we talked about the political and motivational side of the potential collective. Who are our pioneers, Age asked. Is it even possible, Val asked. I talked to Bob, who pronounced that we could take the farmland and turn it into "Daniel Quinn's faggy little trapeze school." He and I argued about education for a while. I volunteered for an afternoon at Native Seeds SEARCH, and therefore got to spend some time with my great friend Dawna. All in all, I like where things are going, what conversations are happening.
On the downside, the money's going. Not quickly, thanks to Leslie and Charles's generosity, but finding work would offset whatever spending I am doing, not to mention leaving town will require some capital, when that time comes. Especially if Valerie is right, and Costa Rica is my next destination......
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