Thursday, February 12, 2009

not enough on adventures OR God

I've just spent the past hour giving this blog some attention:

It motivated me to finally set up a new module over there to the right, for the blogs of people I've met who are also looking for something on the road. I hope to expand that into some collaborative project, but I've not yet found the right one...

It also motivated me to finally blog. I've had the internet here for three weeks, and I haven't really done so.
So here we go!
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(approx 45 minutes in)
"A Biologist Questions Evolution" was the lead-in.
That's news? I like to think that's the job, at least in part, of a biologist.
Anyway, I want to blog about this, but can't get my head into it (probably because I have the interview playing, so I just want to listen to it).
Anyway, she, this biologist, is amazing me by speaking my views and ideas.
One question from the interviewer asks: "Aren't we just quibbling over what you think God is, then?"
Well yes, yes, that is what we are doing within this conversation. Because, in the traditional Evolution vs Creationism debate, isn't science quibbling over what God is not? This biologist, Elisabet Sahtouris, is saying "you've got it all wrong!" Which is exciting, because I think that's the case: Saying 'God does not exist,' is to say 'what I understand God to be does not exist.'
The God I know cannot be denied. But if you think I mean some old beardy man, if you think I mean a sentient being conjured up the world and the stars, if you think I mean Divine Intervention means an invisible hand politely moving something aside like a chess piece, the you're not understanding me.

Elisabet Sahtouris, in this interview, touches on the God I know.

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Anyway, reading Justine's blog made me want to blog (and blog well) about my adventures, but that will have to wait. Now I'm going to watch last night's lost, and then I've got to catch the bus to work.

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