Monday, March 26, 2012

Help Wanted

I woke up with a stick in my ass (not literally; I haven't slept outdoors in a week), and decided to take it out on Twitter. Here it is, collected:

Why are our politicians so focused on creating jobs, rather than creating alternatives? And why are Americans waiting for them to do it?

Seriously, I don't give a fuck if you create jobs. I don't want a job. You're making a scenario in which I NEED a job.

What does it say about you, that you say I need what you can create in order to live? And you call yourself humble in the eyes of the Lord??

I don't need a job, I need food. I need a roof, and warmth. When taken for granted, a job seems like the easiest way to secure these things.
But the reality of the job is, you're asking me to expend so much of my energy for your benefit, in exchange for so little of my own. It would be different if it were a job I cared about, cared for. But I am not encouraged to find that, prepare for that.
If I were, the education system would have greater support, and supporting programs. But no, even if I wanted to go to school, that is an extracurricular activity, on my own dime (or! even better! an opportunity to encourage our debt-based economy! once again, I work for you!).
I don't need a job, I need food. I don't need school, I need an education. Both of which I, collaborating with my friends and family, with people who are passionate and compassionate, can obtain without you--and, I feel, cannot obtain WITH you.

So you, standing there, thinking you're telling me why I should vote for you: tell me why I should vote for you. Why I should support you. Why I should even care about your America, when you don't seem to care about mine.

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